Film Roles Project
By: Visal Ebbott
¨ Actors acts in a movie.
¨ There are two major parts for them.
¨ One- [the main characters
¨ Two- [the sub-characters
¨ Their salaries varies depending on their parts in the films.
¨ The main characters tend to get more payment then the sub-characters.
¨ On average an actor gets $50,000 anualy although some goes waaaaay beyond this number and some goes way lower. (depending on their part)
¨ To be an actor you need to get a degree, depending on exactly what you want the degree would be in a range of things such as: Drama and dramatics, performing arts, theatre arts, theater and performance studies, etc. it all depends on which school you attend.
The Type of Job this is
¨ This job is a production type.
¨ The actors key jobs and reponsibities are to be able to follow the script and the director well, also they have to act well if they could.
¨ They can have many to none when it comes to this role all depending on the director choices.
¨ For example: Tom Cruise
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